Sunday, July 3, 2011

Remembering Girl Power: The Spice Girls

So I took another walk down memory lane to remember another fond memory of mine:
The Spice Girls. 

This group of girls were totally my idols growing up as a teenager. I danced and listened to their music as loud as I could (without my mom telling me to turn it down!) and even won a lip-sync contest "singing" to these girls.

It was in high school during my junior year. I put on a tiny little black dress and decorated it with glow in the dark stars. The stars spelled out "Spice Girls" on my dress. I put my hair in pig tails and played the roll of "Baby Spice." It was quite a moment to me, because in high school-I was pretty quiet most of the time. So once I hit the stage and threw off my jacket and danced down to the Spice Girls in front of my high school classmates-jaws were hitting the floor. It wasn't something that the shy quiet side of me would normally do....  Yet deep down inside-I loved every minute of it!...  

In fact, I loved the Spice Girls so much, that I drew a big huge cartoon picture of them on my bedroom wall. Later on after I moved out, I believe that my dad didn't really have too much fun painting over that I took an entire day to draw that.. Was quite a piece of artwork!

Sometimes I still find myself singing their songs. I even showed some of their videos to my daughter. She found herself liking a few of them.  Every now and then, I wish that the girls were still together, but I know they have grown up to have families of their own, and also have went on to pursue personal interests as well. At least I will always have the memories!

.....You can read my memories of the Spice Girls by clicking on the link  below:

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