Thursday, August 4, 2011

Poetry Reading Podcasts

So, I discovered Spreaker while browsing in the Chrome Web Store the other day. Spreaker is actually pretty useful and kinda neat. It allows you to create your own live radio show or recorded podcasts. I thought-what a perfect opportunity to read some of my poetry to my viewers. I know that I could easily do this in front of a webcam and put it on YouTube, but I'm not really fond of my webcam. While its fun to use to talk to people I know, I'm a little shy about putting myself out there for everyone on the web to see...  After-all, poetry is about the words----not about what I look like....

So I will be placing some of my podcasts on here for you to listen to. Sometimes poetry can sound better spoken then just being read on a piece of paper or in a book. ....  I look forward to sharing my poems with you. 

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