Monday, August 15, 2011

Poetry Podcasts, eBook Stores, Book of Poems: Just a few projects in the works!

So,  while I have been busy writing content articles, in the mean time, I have a few other projects in the works too. One project was creating a few podcasts at Spreaker. I still need to do some more there.

If you haven't already, listen to me reading a couple of my poems down below .

*My Little Muse

Small Town Poetry Beat on Spreaker

Through the Trees

Small Town Poetry on Spreaker

The next project is extending the sales of eBooks. I thought it would be a nice compliment to my income. While it may take some time to get started, there have been some sales on eBay-but the prices have been low. Prices may be low because of a still staggering economy. But the way that I see money now--every penny adds up! Below I have listed some of my eBook auctions and my eBook webstore that I am still adding to.

eBooks on eBay-<-Click to view my eBook Auctions

The eBook Sale  <---My growing eBook Store

Last of all, I am still working on my 3rd collection of poems, titled "Poems from Home." I really hope to have it finished by the end of this year. The book is still in design mode and I still need to do some editing. Right now, I don't really have any links to show updates on my book, but it does include poems such as the one that I wrote for Douglas County Relay for Life: "The Fight of Their Lives" , An Animal for the Day and "There is No Predicting Rapture."

As these projects get closer to being finished, I will post them here. They all will get completed a little bit at a time-as I do work part time outside my home, have a family and of course--somewhere in between there--I need to sleep! lol.....

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