Monday, April 15, 2013

Poem: The Gift of Life

Life will kick you down,
but then you kick it right back.

Sometimes you felt that it wasn't worth all of the pain,
But there is so much more in life worth to gain.

Don't let life get you down,
God didn't create us to wear a frown.

Why so serious?
God gave us the gift of joyous laughter.
That is definitely one reason to smile.

Sometimes, you have to take a chance.
Roll the dice... and pass go!

Don't get stuck in the mud,
just take off your shoes, and keep on going.
That's why God gave you feet!

It's time to smile, laugh and pick up the pace.
Look up to the sun, and let the light shine on your face.
Bask in God's glorious warmth.

And always remember the simple things...
Without all of those small reminders, life would just be too difficult.

You only live once in this life-time.
Make it worth your while,

Life is the one gift that you can never take back.

Read more poems and articles by Ariana R. Cherry below

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