Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What would you write in your Memoir?

So if you had or could write your memoir, what would you put in it?...  
 Our life is full of so many twists and turns-whether it be sad and happy,--or full of adventure.  Sometimes, even just leaving behind a journal for our children or other future generations to read is a great gift.  Memoirs can be filled with your own life lessons, pictures of special events throughout life, or heck-even be full of your own favorite recipes that can be used for eating-and living! 
-If I wrote a memoir, I may include special birthdays, favorite holiday gatherings, people and family members that I admired, and perhaps my own advice for living.  I would try to pick out the best memories in my life-that would be able to help others learn a lesson or be inspired....
--At Edubook, I had to write an article on how to write a memoir. So if you feel like this is something you would like to do, feel free to read my article, so that you can begin writing yours :) 

"How to Write a Memoir"

So..I'm gonna take it for a test drive...

I've been speaking of going full freelance writing for awhile. Perhaps most you think I am crazy for making such a rash decision with the way the economy is.  And --who knows..maybe I am. But I honestly believe that there is money in online media. I have about six different outlets right now that I can make money from --all by writing from home.
I also believe I can make a larger income that my current $8.17/hr job. I do love what I do, but it has become somewhat stressful at times.

Writing comes naturally and it is what I enjoy doing. -Plus -I could set my own hours, take my own days off, and ---be home when my daughter is home. She would love that a lot.
--So on the days of September 29th-Oct 1st- I am taking a few days off from my current full time job and taking a test drive to see what kind of work I can get done in those days.  I will post what I get done, and if I meet my goals. I have my work area set up, and all I need to do -is just test to see if it my schedule works.

---I will let you know how successful I am... and make the final decision there....   
( i have partially made up my mind--but I just want to make sure I can do it!)......until then--stay tuned--with other inspirational words...or..articles..

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Should you Set up a Trust Fund for your child?

In this economy, many of us can hardly fathom the idea of even having extra money.  Many are out of work, unemployment insurance has been exhausted, or we attend work every day-worrying if we will have a job or not. I don't care how many times congress says that it is getting better---I don't believe it isn't. Or else, now it has finally begun to trickle down to us middle and lower class.  Retail stores are still closing, filing for bankruptcy, or cutting hours of their employees.

--While presently, the econmy is shaky, we still are concerned for our future--and definitely those of us who are parents-we worry about our children. How will we pay for college?... what about when they start out on their own? ...or when they get married?..

Sometimes when we come across some extra money-and can afford to put it back into a savings account--or perhaps a trust-it is a good financial -future-move.  Setting up a trust fund for our children is quite easy--once we have the funding that is.

--I had to write an article about how to set up a trust fund for your child, and if you have the means to do it, it really could be a great decision. ...

---Read the link to the article below, if you would like to set up a trust fund for your child--or perhaps grandchild some day--it can provide some good tips....

Allergies and Anxiety...(Article has been published and posted)

In my last post, I spoke about my research of how anxiety and allergies are related. My article was accepted and has been published at Edubook.  After researching-it actually did make some sense...

If a person can't breathe well-they are going to get a bit worked up... But I promised I would post a link once it was published, so if you would like to read further about allergies and is the link to my article: