Saturday, October 8, 2011

Central IL Hometown Poetry Club in the News

I have a poetry club that has been together since 2005.

While we are a small group, we keep on trudging along, trying to bring inspiration and happiness with poetry. We are always on the lookout for new members, and welcome any type of poet with open arms. 

Awhile back, I was interviewed by an online magazine about my club. The magazine centers around taking care of those in nursing homes. I was quite surprised to get the call. I have been waiting for quite some time, wondering if it had ever been published. After not hearing for quite awhile, I pretty much gave up.

Just recently, I found the link while doing some Google research--seeing where my website ranked, etc. The story about my club reading at the nursing home had been published!--back in February....And now--8 months later--I find out....Better late than never!....

It is a lovely article.  You can see the article about my club reading at the Arcola Healthcare Center by clicking on the link below:

One of our other hopes of the club is to gain more members... If you are in the central IL area and enjoy poetry or know of others who are, our club is always in search of new poets....Read more about our club at:

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tuning in to the new Ringer TV show

Guest post written by Anna Castle

I really get excited for the fall season because of two different things, fashion and TV. I know that there will be all kinds of really great clothes filling up shop windows and clothing racks that I can't wait to try on and buy. But I also love watching the new seasons of all my favorite shows in the fall. It seems like there are some really great shows premiering this season too. I've been watching the show The Ringer with Sarah Michelle Gellar in it and I love it so far!

My favorite type of TV show is drama and this one is really fitting the bill for me. I was online reading an interview she did about teh show when I ran across some info on direct tv bundles. I showed it to my husband and after that we decided to change over our internet and tv to one of those bundles.

My husband and I are both wondering what the big thing the bad twin's up to is on the The Ringer TV show

Monday, October 3, 2011

Life, Family and Friends

One moment you are living your life just like you do every day. You take the kids to school, go to work, come home, cook dinner, watch some T.V. or get on the computer and then go to bed. Every once in awhile, you see a movie, have date night with your spouse, or get together with your family. 

One day can change all of that. It can be an incredibly happy day and the next day, you can be shocked with news. I have advice to all of you. Appreciate your friends and family every day-no matter how mad they may make you at times. They are the only ones you have. In the last few years, it just has seemed like I have started to lose those that are close to me in life.  I've lost my grandmother (my father's mom) whom I loved so dearly, I've felt like some of my friends have drifted apart, my father-in-law lost his mother, and some of my family have been really sick.  And now just recently, another special close friend of mine has passed away unexpectedly.

This is what I fear about getting older. Losing the ones that I love the most. You can be going about in life, and then one day-somebody's gone. You don't get to pick up the phone anymore, you don't get to hug them hello and goodbye....they are gone. ....Although, one day, as I believe, we should all meet again in eternity. And I so hope that I do, because I miss so many so dearly...

So remember, tell your friends and family that you love them today.... You just never know when your last goodbye will be....

I've come up with a poem about Life's Philosophy in the thoughts of all of this. Feel free to read it at: