Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Year's Resolutions for Children

While all of us take time making New Year's resolutions for ourselves, did you ever ask your child what their resolution is? Are they interested in creating a New Year's resolution too? Just as we have many goals we like to accomplish, there may be special things a child would like to do for the new year as well. If your child is having trouble deciding on what their resolution may be, perhaps you could help them with on. Here are a few steps that you can follow that can help a child decide his/her New Year's resolution.

1.  Talk to your child and ask her what the new year means to her. Ask what she would like to do for the year ahead.

2. Help your child write down his ideas on things that he would like to do for the new year. Place a star next to his favorite ones.

3. Pick out her favorite resolution and draw a picture about it. Talk about the resolution with your child and see when or how she would like to make that come true. Hang up the drawing in her room or on the refrigerator so that she can see her picture every day.

4. Click here to continue reading about how to help your child with their New Year's resolution... 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Experience the Pending Birth of Jesus Through Facebook...

A Social Network Christmas.....

The story of Christmas is told by Facebook..... If Mary and Joseph lived today, this is how the story would look on Facebook. This definitely puts an easy understanding on the true meaning of Christmas. If your spirits are low this year, this video will raise them up... We celebrate Christmas every year to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus... Enjoy watching the video. 

Some Very Talented Dogs!-Watch these guy decorate a Christmas tree!

These are some cute and talented dogs! Watch as they decorate the Christmas tree. These dogs are trained by a method called "mirror method." This video will definitely make you smile. Enjoy!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ariana's Annual Christmas Poem: The Family Christmas Tree

This year, my annual Christmas poem was inspired by the Christmas tree. Every year, families come together to decorate their tree. Little kids often love putting up their favorite holiday ornaments on the tree or even adding the special ones that they made at school. At our church, we even have a special church service that is dedicated to adding all of our special Christian symbols on the tree... The Chrismon Service

I began thinking of all the past years that I have helped decorate a tree, and how now, I put up my own Christmas tree as well. Each ornament and decoration has a special meaning when it comes to the Christmas season. Also, there are ornaments that all have a special place in our heart as well. Like those that were family heirlooms, special projects from school or even those given to us by family friends and neighbors. There really is a lot more to the Christmas tree when you think about it.... 

Take a moment and read my poem, "The Family Christmas Tree" (click on the title). I think you will really enjoy it .... It just might make you think the next time you put up your Christmas tree... 

How to Write a Holiday Christmas Poem

Every year, I like to write my annual Christmas poem. I usually always read my poem at my annual Christmas Eve service at church. The poem is also included in all of my Christmas card mailings as well. 

Writing a Christmas poem should be fun, and not stressful. Actually-by keeping all of your favorite Christmas memories in mind, and then combing the actual meaning of Christmas along with those memories -it should be quite enjoyable to write.  If you will be sharing poetry this Christmas season, here are some tips on writing your poem. 

1. Review the story of Jesus' birth in the bible. Listen to some inspirational Christmas hymns about Christmas and about the baby Jesus.

2. Write down some of the things that mean a lot to you at Christmas time. Think about what Christmas really means to you.

3. Speak with your minister to find out what kind of Christmas church service there will be and see how your poem could fit in with the service.

4. Click here to continue reading the steps on How to Write a Christmas Poem....