Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fun Outdoor Activities and Games to Play in the Snow

During the winter is a fun time to get to play in the snow. Many kids like to build snowman, have snow-ball fights, build forts or have fun laying out snow angels. 

Although winter is a cold season, you can stay warm by playing plenty of fun winter games and drinking warm steaming hot chocolate. Just remember to change into something cozy and dry once you have finished playing outside. 

Here is a list of fun games and activities that children can do out in the snow... 

              1. Snowman Making Contest

Host a snowman making contest. Gather together about three children per group if there is a large number of children. Be sure that there are extra scarves, carrots, items for buttons and eyes, food coloring, twigs or anything else creative that the children can come up with to create their snowman. Use a digitalcamera to take pictures. Ask another adult to vote for the best snowman or if there isn't one present, have the other children vote.

Go Ice Skating

Go outside to the nearest rink and allow your child to bring some of his/her friends. Dance away to any music that might be playing. Help those who are just beginners so that they can have fun on the ice too.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Top 5 Christmas Movies of All Time....

Watching Christmas movies are an enjoyable way to celebrate the season and cuddle underneath those cozy blankets during the cold winter season. 

There are Christmas movies that stick with us throughout our entire lives that really touch our heart. 

Here are a few that have touched mine:

#1 It's a Wonderful Life

This movie makes you feel like there is a reason for living for everybody. It gets you in the Christmas spirit after that little bell rings at the end of the movie... There's nothing like watching a little bit of George Bailey when you are feeling down on hope...


                  #2. The Christmas Shoes

Learn the spirit of giving and what it means to truly be a part of Christmas. While the movie is sad, it makes you appreciate all of the loved ones around you and reminds you-we are all not here forever...-->Click here to continue reading about my TOP 5 CHRISTMAS MOVIES