Monday, October 12, 2009

Handmade Halloween Costume Ideas

Halloween is coming soon, and it's time to dress up, and go candy hunting! :) Well-for the little ones that is... With the economy still shaky, and most of us on really tight budgets, it could be more affordable to create a Halloween costume with items from home. Handmade costumes are also more unique and end up being original too!...  -Not to mention-environmentally friendly!

If you can find old clothes from home, buttons, big boxes, glasses, wigs, and your personal make-up collection-there is a costume waiting to be created right at home....

If you need some ideas for Halloween costumes-check out this fun Halloween article that gives you some tips on making your own costume.  

Some of the ideas include a rock star or a ghost...Click below for inspiration...

"Fun Halloween Costumes You Can Make At Home..."