Friday, February 5, 2010

Wanna be a Fan of the Rural Freelance Writer?

I have went and gotten adventurous and created my own Facebook fan page...(Click here to join)

Now all of those who regularly read this blog can also be a fan and get updates on current articles, events, and anything else that might be interesting in my life...

So if you would like to join my online "fan club," check out my
FAN PAGE , and become a fan :) --It just might be fun ;)

Selling Online for $$$$

For those wanting to make some extra cash or need a way to make extra income because of unemployment, they may look to selling items online. The internet provides us with many opportunities and websites for us to sell crafts, gently used clothing, trinkets, antiques, and more.

One popular website that almost everybody has heard of by now is of course Ebay... Ebay has millions of visitors each month, and it is a very easy to get our items "out there." Although, there have been other websites who have tried to compete with their prices and numbers of visitors---yet none have won--just yet--

One fairly new website coming onto the horizon is It is currently building its community of both buyers and sellers. While it is a very tight-knit community, it still is building up its traffic each month. Prices to sell our reasonable-much more affordable than its auction giant, Ebay.  Also, sellers do not pay for their listings --until that item sells. And the most anybody will every pay for their listings is $10--when an item sells for $1000+ .

I decided to compare both Ebay and Bonanzle together and wrote an informative article for anyone interested in selling their items there... If you are new to selling on the internet, and looking to save a few bucks-Bonanzle could be a great starting point for you before heading over to Ebay--It's also a great way to keep a few dollars in your pocket as well.  Feel free to read more about here...