Friday, July 26, 2013

Do you believe in the after-life?

One thing that all of us in the world have in common, is that one day, we will pass on from life on this earth. We don't know when or where it will happen, but we will eventually move on. But where will we go? 

Those of us who are Christian, believe that we , will live in eternity with God in Heaven. More and more, we are hearing from Mediums who can communicate with the dead-such as the Long Island Medium. Some of us may read books, to research experiences that Mediums have had. I myself have been reading more books on the after-life written by mediums and Christian leaders. 

We all get so involved with our every-day lives, that we forget, that in a matter of seconds, all of it could end-right now.  Click here to continue reading about the afterlife....

Back to School: What is Your Child Eating for Lunch?

The return of children heading back to school is not that far away. It will be time to start choosing what to include in your child's school lunch or what days he/she will be eating breakfast or lunch at school. It is important for your child to eat healthy and nutritious food and snacks so that he can be alert during class and concentrate better on his studies. 

It is ideal to keep the school lunch menu up on the refrigerator or a place where both you and your child can see what the school is serving. Some schools even offer the menu online .With the school lunch menu in plain sight, you can decide which days of the month your child will be eating. This can also help out with the family food budget in the household, so you know how much to spend on buying items for your child's school lunch. 

Ideal items to include in a school lunch can include a lunch meat sandwich or PBJ, fresh fruit (apple, peaches, grapes, etc), a snack such as pudding or jell-o and fruit juice or water to drink. If your child is taking his/her lunch to school, be sure there is a place in his lunch box or bag to store an ice pack to keep the lunch cold and to prevent spoiling. 

For families on low income, be sure you ask about Free School Lunch programs for your child. Free school lunch programs can also be available for breakfast (for schools who serve breakfast). You can be sure that your child receives a balanced meal for both breakfast and lunch at no extra cost to you.


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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Budget-Friendly Food Saving Tips

There are still many families finding it hard to budget because they have either lost their job or have experienced a reduction in work hours. We have to find places to cut back, and sadly enough, sometimes that is food. 

There are ways to save money buying food, and not have to worry about going hungry though...Follow some of the tips below.

Budget-Friendly Food Saving Tips

There have been many families who have seen a reduction in their household income. There are households where at least one parent (if not both) have either lost their job or have had to deal with reduced hours at their job. Many Americans are still fighting tough times despite what current news may report. Some say the economy is getting better, while others believe we are still in a recession...In my area-I believe the last statement- “We are still in a recession.”

Since many families are experiencing a reduction in their income, they have had to learn how to cut back and plan their food budgets accordingly. Some families have had to cut back on snacks and desserts and only buy the necessities. Others have become coupon-savvy and shop during sales. Whatever choice their household has made, they have had to learn how to become more budget-friendly with their food.

Make a List

There are a variety of ways to save money on your grocery budget. While it may seem obvious, one of the first ways to save money is to “make a list and STICK to it.” Do not buy any extras or items that are NOT on the list. When you shy away from the list, you spend more money than what was intended.

Plan a Menu

Another way to help you only buy necessities is to plan a menu at home.