Monday, October 3, 2011

Life, Family and Friends

One moment you are living your life just like you do every day. You take the kids to school, go to work, come home, cook dinner, watch some T.V. or get on the computer and then go to bed. Every once in awhile, you see a movie, have date night with your spouse, or get together with your family. 

One day can change all of that. It can be an incredibly happy day and the next day, you can be shocked with news. I have advice to all of you. Appreciate your friends and family every day-no matter how mad they may make you at times. They are the only ones you have. In the last few years, it just has seemed like I have started to lose those that are close to me in life.  I've lost my grandmother (my father's mom) whom I loved so dearly, I've felt like some of my friends have drifted apart, my father-in-law lost his mother, and some of my family have been really sick.  And now just recently, another special close friend of mine has passed away unexpectedly.

This is what I fear about getting older. Losing the ones that I love the most. You can be going about in life, and then one day-somebody's gone. You don't get to pick up the phone anymore, you don't get to hug them hello and goodbye....they are gone. ....Although, one day, as I believe, we should all meet again in eternity. And I so hope that I do, because I miss so many so dearly...

So remember, tell your friends and family that you love them today.... You just never know when your last goodbye will be....

I've come up with a poem about Life's Philosophy in the thoughts of all of this. Feel free to read it at:

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