Saturday, May 22, 2010

Now Examining Food in Champaign, Illinois....

So, I am exploring another writing venture...

I have been reading and checking out the website,'s my new page) I had applied, and got accepted into their writing program. You are paid for the amount of traffic that you receive. You also get $50 for every person you refer if they become an Examiner as well...

Some websites I have read that people earn well at Examiner---some earn around $400 a month, while others can earn up to $2,000. I guess it is all about how much SEO you know how to do, and how much effort you also put into your marketing... I just got signed up late last week, and have added two articles so far...

---So, as of a couple days ago-You are now looking at the new Champaign Food Examiner. I will write about different types of restaurants, food stores in and near Champaign. So, I guess finally-I couldn't get more local or rural ...

If you like to check in with me every now and then-keep your eyes open for posts from Examine... I'll be letting all of you know when I publish something new there too :) ---Hope this leads to an exciting and perhaps lucrative side job ;)

Purchase a gift card to your favorite restaurant below! Tell me how you like it!