Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Importance of Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Being a person who deals with digestive disorders it has been important to find vitamins and nutrients that can introduce good bacteria into my body. 
After taking antibiotics several times, it can kill off ALL of the bacteria in your body-whether is is GOOD or bad... So after taking antibiotics or while you are taking antibiotics, it is good to introduce Acidophilus into your system. 

What is Acidophilus?....
What can it do for you?
To find out more, read 
"A Guide to Lactobacillus Acidophilus" below...
A Guide to Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Lactobacillus Acidophilus is also known as "good bacteria." These type of microorganisms help aid in a healthy digestive system. Not only is Acidophilus a supplement, but it is found in foods that you eat such as yogurt and soy fermented products like meso. There are some people who often have digestive issues that require prescription or non-prescription medications. Those who suffer from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Crohn's disease or other digestive issues can benefit from the "good bacteria" found in Acidophilus. Such individuals may decide to purchase Acidophilus as an alternative to other prescription medications instead. Some are also more comforted at the fact of taking natural forms of medicines instead of prescriptions.

Presently, Acidophilus has not been approved by the FDA to treat diseases. It also has not been tested for safety, effectiveness and purity. Some experiments that scientists or other patients have tried, they have found some success with the body's conditions when taking regular doses of Acidophilus. Some of these include .....Click here to continue reading about Acidophilus 
Click here to read about how IBS has affected my life....

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Poetry Reading: Not Today


I decided to perform another poetry reading for YouTube. This one is titled, "Not Today." It has been posted on my blog here before. 

If you would like to read along, you can view the poem by clicking
on this link--->

For more poetry and about Ariana, visit her website at