Saturday, October 5, 2013

My review of "Women of the Bible" performed by Anita Gutschick

(Image from

Today, I saw a really captivating performance by Anita Gutschick, an actress who portrays Women of the Bible. She is a one-woman show that sends a strong inspirational message through the art of drama. It is amazing how she can switch from one character to the next. With each performance, there is a moving message included. I saw her at a nearby church in my area, and it was a wonderful show. 

Our message through the entire "conference" today, was about women and how they can be courageous and can be leaders. Women can overcome obstacles in their lives, but still come out, being strong, leading and helping deliver the message of God. Sometimes there are things in life that get us down and make us scared, but with God's love, we can learn to pick ourselves up, and come out stronger than we were before.

Click here to continue reading my review...