Thursday, October 27, 2011

Save Energy & Money Washing and Drying Your Clothes

Many appliance companies are developing products to help customers save energy and reduce costs in our power bills. Also, with a shaky economy, it is more important than ever to save money wherever we can. 

Most of us do laundry at least a few times a weeks. Those with larger families do laundry almost every day. Instead of doing many small loads, you should always full loads. This will save on money and the cost of running your laundry machine. Use cold water each time to wash your clothes too. Many detergents are now specialized to use with cold water.

To save on money using your dryer, you should take out clothes that dry quicker halfway through the drying process. During warm and sunny days, instead of using your dryer, hang your clothes out on the line. It won't take any energy at all to dry your clothes naturally. Our ancestors dried their clothes this way-why can't we use inherit some of their habits?

If we use these tips to save money and energy when washing our clothes, our wallet and planet will thank us...