Saturday, April 30, 2011

Basic Hygiene Care For Nails

I started writing for the Daily Glow not too long ago, and had my first article published. I decided to write about the basic hygiene care for your nails.

 I seem to always be having trouble getting my nail polish to stay on, as it always seems to chip away after I put it on. So if you are looking for some basic care tips for your nails, check out this article: Basic Hygiene Care For Your Nails

(Here's a little peak into the beginning of the article)

It is important to have healthy, clean, and strong nails, especially if you work in a place where clients or customers see your hands on a daily basis. Your nails should appear smooth and clear without any ridges. Basic hygiene care for them should be an important part of your daily routine.

One of the first basic steps of nail hygiene is to protect your hands.If you have just had a manicure (whether it was professional or you painted them yourself), you should wear gloves. When you are doing chores at home, such as cleaning dishes, dusting, or anything else that involves getting your hands dirty, wear rubber gloves. This will keep your manicure from getting ruined.....

Friday, April 29, 2011

Search Engine Optimization and SIMPLE Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

The all important 3 words when it comes to advertising your website and creating web content. We all want our websites to be listed in the top 10, and we all want a huge readership when it comes to reading our blogs and articles. If you are going to be successful, then you need to know the ins and outs of SEO. 

I am still learning the concept. There must be careful planning of keywords-as well as CAREFUL PLACING of them too. You do not want to over or under-do it. If you over-stuff with keywords, the content starts to sound all garbled-plus you might just get accused of spamming too...

There are companies who can help you with SEO. And perhaps sometime, if you don't have the time or haven't quite learned the skill, you might want to leave it the professionals....

If you need help with writing other documents other than SEO, you might also check out services offered by ACI-Plus. There are term paper, thesis and dissertation specialists available to help you out.  

On an simpler note, after all of the hard-work of SEO---there is still SIMPLE OPTIMIZATION. This is basically finding equipment and accessories to make all of your favorite electronics and computers work better---Perhaps you might have better luck-and a better understanding of OPTIMIZATION....instead of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION or even writing those hard term papers

If you are doing some optimization for electronics then you might need some cable cords...Or perhaps you are looking for VGA Cables.... 

If so, then check out

Unplanned Car Repairs

Cars are an important part of our lives. So when something goes wrong or we need repairs, it can put an unexpected dent in our budget. Although, it is important to have a reliable car for transportation. We need it to take our children to school, go to work, pay bills and buy food for our home. While those may seem like mundane things, sometimes a car is nice to have for entertainment such as dates, going out to a movie or traveling on a road trip.

So when a car breaks down-we must get it fixed. Seems like with our family, we are always having car problems. Of course, that was when we had an old Dodge Neon. It was one of my husband's first cars-he bought it right after he graduated. Ten years down the road, the car sorta got old and began to give us all sorts of trouble. We had to put brakes on it, change several things in the engine--till eventually-one day-the timing chain broke and it ruined the entire inside of the car. Bye bye Neon.... That was the end of that one...

Although, when you do have a car repair that you need to get done-its best to get a 
car repair estimate. This way, you know exactly how much money you will have to spend. This way, you can adjust your budget. If you find that you are in need of a car repair, check online for an estimate.... You'll be happy that you did. 

Dangerous Spring Storms

In the past few weeks, southern part of the United States have experienced some dangerous storms that have included tornadoes, strong winds, hail and lots of rain. Its sad too, that some have even lost their lives. Spring storms can be quite scary, and also leave our houses damaged or give us a lot of extra debris to clean up after. It is important that you take safe cover before any dangerous storm hits. When warnings are issued, it is time to take cover so that you can save your family's lives, as well as your own.

After a storm hits, clean-up can be quite stressful-especially if you have had a lot of damage. Thankfully, there are companies available who offer their services and gratitude that are ready to help you at your moment in need. 

If you are needing someone to assess the damage around your home, you may contact storm damage specialists Austin if you live in that area. They can help with water extraction and help analyze the damage. 

They also offer a variety of other services besides storm damage too. You might take a look at their website to see what they have to offer you:

Download a Free Trial of WhiteSmoke Editing Software

A little while back, I downloaded a useful tool for my writing. It came with a free trial, which allowed me to try its services before purchasing. This useful tool was WhiteSmoke. It assists you with your English and grammar skills. Sometimes after writing content, we don't always see the mistakes ourselves. It helps to have someone else read it, or to use editing software such as WhiteSmoke

It offers a numbers of features in its software... Some of these include:

Grammar and Spelling
Have your texts enhanced with advanced algorithms that 
check your grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, and more

Full-Text Translation
Using advanced statistical machine translation (SMT) technology you can translate full texts in one click
    • Multilingual Dictionary
      Translate single words and get usage examples for every word you translate.
    • Artificial IntelligenceArtificial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP) technology are at the core of our solutions
    • If you are looking for software to help make you a better writer, check out WhiteSmoke to see what it has to offer you. .

The Importance of Your Credit Score

In today's economy, it is more important than ever to carry a good credit score. Without a good credit score, your potential to be approved for a loan is next to nothing. If you carry poor credit, and you need a loan, you may have to have someone co-sign the loan or have a second person listed on your application-and that second person must carry good credit. 

Every year, you have the chance to check your credit report. Legally, everyone is allowed to check their credit report once per year. It is free to check your credit report each year-but only one time. If you would like to, you can also check your free credit score while you check your credit report too. This will help you understand where your credit stands should you need to apply for a loan, credit card or perhaps buy a new car. 

So as the new year begins, always make sure you file to check our credit report. Checking your credit report can also help you guarantee that nobody else has stolen your identity, and that there are no errors on your personal information as well. Be sure to check it with the 3 credit bureaus: Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. 

Neon Genesis Evangelion

A story from one of our readers...Science Fiction Memories....

 I think the first show that I ever saw that got me hooked onto mechas and the entire space slash science fiction genre is Neon Genesis Evangelion. It is one of those memorable shows of my youth that I'll never forget. I even remember all the words to the theme songs, "A Cruel Angel's Thesis," "Fly Me to the Moon" and a "Beautiful World." I didn't know it at the time, but "Fly Me to the Moon" is a Frank Sinatra song by the same name.

The premise of the show starts in the year 2015. Half of the Earth's entire population is dead -- victims of the disaster known as Second Impact that occurred 15 years prior. A young 14 year old boy named Shinji Ikari arrives in the rebuilt city of New Tokyo-3. His enigmatic father has summoned him for reasons unbeknownst to him. Just as he reaches the city, a gigantic creature identified as an “Angel” attacks. This forces Shinji into the cockpit of a giant bio-mechanical construct known as an Eva. Turns out that the most "capable" pilots of an Eva machine are those who were born after Second Impact.

I just started watching it over again on satellite TV from via the Anime Network and it's definitely just as good today as it was back in 1995 when it first aired.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

How to Wear Handmade Jewelry with Scrubs

Doctors, dental assistants, Nurses assistances, veterinarians and anyone else involved in caring for others or animals might wear scrubs to work. This is useful so that they do not get their own wardrobe messy or ruin it. Sometimes it can be hard trying to pick out scrubs that  colorful or fashionable to wear. If you are looking for some colorful scrubs, try checking out these nursing scrub uniforms. It's always good if you can feel comfortable and be colorful all at once.

If you are looking for quality comfortable scrubs, visit:

 If your place of employment allows it, you could add one simple handmade bracelet or necklace to go with your scrubs to add just a bit more pizazz! It can be a simple beaded necklace with seed beads or swarvoski crystals.Or you can wear a bracelet with small lampwork beads or swarvorski crystals too. 

Keep in mind though, if you have patients who like to pull on things, it may not be a good idea. But if your place of employment accepts at least one piece of jewelry, a handmade item can really jazz up your scrub outfit. 

One website, known as Blue Sky Scrubs, offers a variety of fashion scrubs that can make your work uniform more colorful. You can see some of their designs at:

Pair some of their work-wear along with a handmade jewelry item or two, and you will look fashionable for the day as you go about "your business."

Do You Ever Have Hand Pain From Excessive Computer Use?

As a writer and jewelry maker-not to mention, someone who has been using the computers for years, I often get hand pains. Way back when, I think I even remember being put on the computer at 5 years old in Kindergarten in a program called "Writing to Read." I think perhaps that is what sparked my interest to writing as I grew older. We would sit and type up stories about cut-outs we found in magazines and learn our alphabet and words.

Today, I spend quality amounts of my time at the computer writing content articles, poetry and probably a more than equally amount of time on Facebook. So--there's probably a lot of work going through my fingers and hand that can make them hurt quite often. Awhile back, I already had a doctor tell me that I had the starting of Carpel Tunnel. Immediately, I started talking to others who experience the same pain, and they told me try to Vitamin B or even Vitamin B6. As long as I take those continuously, my hands don't  hurt as much.

As i was searching the Internet, I found a website that offers products to those with severe hand-pains. offers what are known as arthritis gloves. Apparently these can help you while you do activities such as knitting, typing or other crafty things. They keep them warm while offering circulation therapy. They can be somewhat described as finger-less gloves---except these make your hands feel good!

When I searched farther on the website, they also offered other care items too such as home and garden tools, electronics and even those sonicare replacement heads for those great expensive toothbrushes that I would like to invest in one day....

Anyway--if you are looking for other items to help hand pain you could be having, you might just check out that website.