Saturday, February 16, 2013

Please do not eat in the bathroom!

Your kitchen table does not belong in the bathroom...

This is a warning. Nobody should eat in the bathroom...ever. It doesn't matter how big of a hurry you are in, or how much you really like the current snack that you are eating. For those who secretly eat in the bathroom-it is time to stop.

Bathrooms carry many germs, viruses and bacteria if it isn't cleaned regularly. Bathrooms are for relieving and getting clean-not to eat
Think about what people do in the bathroom. Do you really want your food around it? 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Top Amish Restaurants Near Champaign, IL

In the heart of Illinois, one popular type of food is home-cooked Amish food. There's nothing more comforting than country-fried chicken, a bowl of mashed potatoes with homemade noodles drenched over it or a pan of home-baked dressing. There are a few restaurants in the central Illinois area that feature this type of cooking and is popular spots for tourists who come to visit.

Click here to read about Amish restaurants in central Illinois...