Friday, November 16, 2012

POEM: "The Lonely One" (Bullying Ends Now)

My daughter told me how their school was having an assembly on bullying

So many schools need to do this-at least twice a year. Sometimes children are so afraid to speak out when kids are making fun of them. 

I was a target of bullying when I was in school. Kids used to make fun and tease me almost every day-it got worse when I got into junior high and high school. There were a some days I felt alone, but the few friends that I did have-stood by me....along with a few teachers too....

I wrote a small poem about conquering bullying and thought I would share it.......

The Lonely One (Bullying Ends Now)

So you thought I was the odd one?..
I was the one that you didn't think fit in...
I stood in the corner all alone
while you laughed.
You thought you were strong...

Well friend, today, let me tell you-
You were wrong.

You might have gotten me down,
or thought it was funny
when I would frown.
Because of something mean
that you said.

Maybe back then,
I didn't have the strength,
So I just let you win.

I didn't have the heart
to tell you,
how you tore mine apart.

Well friend, today,
Let me make up
for what I didn't say.

I don't care what you say,
Because it doesn't matter today.
I've moved on,
and I don't even care where you have gone.

Never again, will I let someone back me into a corner
and pretend that I was nothing.
Never again will anybody laugh at me
Because they thought I looked funny.

I'll never be the lonely one.
Because you know what?
I'm done...

with you.
Now I'm stronger.