Thursday, September 10, 2009

...Somewhat Difficult article---Allergies and Anxiety...

So I just finished an article on allergies and anxiety....

I will include a link once it is accepted and published...

It was one of my topics for Edubook.  While performing research and trying to interpret the right wording for easier understanding-at least I learned something new along the way!...

---For those who suffer from allergies--and that is many of us!--I actually learned that fifty million Americans suffer from allergies every year (including myself!)...   And that anxiety can become a result from allergies!

While science hasn't completely confirmed this, there has been test groups to prove that this is a possibility. Of course-it does make sense.  When one can't breathe-obviously--there is going to be some stress involved!...

But difficulty in breathing-or even something nearly close to an asthma attack-could bring on a panic attack...Some research from an website also stated that people miss at least 4 days a work a year because of allergy related illnesses--Hay fever being one of the most common reasons people visit the doctor!....

-So while trying to type up and research this yet-very difficult topic-I did find out that allergies can really screw up our lives---or breathing---and our mental health....  

So--there is your health lesson for the day!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Choosing the Right Path...

Life can be difficult. Full of choices, events, relationships, and so many decisions. We sometimes stop to question ourselves if we are making the right choice. These days-we may be even questioning the government on the choices that they make. All around, life can be pretty darn scary-while its sweet at the very same time.

Writing can be the same way. You make decisions about how to present material. You decide on a subject, a title, and what perspective you want to share with the reader. There may be a few bumps in the road, but you always come out okay in the end...After its all been said and done, you can have a pretty great story.

This can compare to life. You make choices. You learn from your choices. And you move on. But in the end, somehow-life always works out. It won't be easy, but we eventually pull through until we ourselves see the light at the end of the tunnel....

The move to writing freelance full time is scary. I am taking steps in doing so. I know it can work, and I have shared my ideas and worries on message boards with other full time writers. Many write full time, pay their bills-work hard, but have not regretted the choice that they have made. I feel in my heart-it is the right thing to do, and its almost as if something else is at work-telling me to go for it!....

One of the members on the board had one very insightful-yet short statement:

"You only live once.".....

That is a bold, short, yet meaningful statement. ---It is true....

Yes, the economy is down. Yes --we have financial limitations. We have families to care for. But if you have planned out your choice carefully, written all of the positives and negatives, and believe you have the heart to do it--Then why not go for it?......

--My desk at home is ready. It is set up. I am gonna make the move soon... I just have to do it....

The path is right in front of me--I just need to make sure I have the correct map-so that I can find the bright light at the end of the tunnel...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

...Ever heard of a festival that celebrates Cheese?

So, my area had a festival that celebrates cheese. They even hand out free cheese every day for 3 days!... The small area used to have a cheese factory where cheese was made every day. Of course, I can't say much-my hometown has a celebration that is about brooms....

I wondered-is this something that I could write about? Do people find cheese interesting? ... Maybe it's only when they place it with wine-at the wineries. --Most often they serve cheese with wine. Well...there wasn't any wine at the cheese festival-so, I probably figured it wouldn't catch many people's attention. More than ever-I bet tourists want to know about the horse and buggies that transport through out town every day. I even saw some people getting a bit excited about the buggies at the festival-not to mention that they were giving out rides to those who wanted them--at a small price... I didn't partake in those services when the festival was only blocks away from my home...

So, this week I embark on some new subjects to write about. ... I will be checking to see what my next few assignments may be, and I just might decide to give that article about the history of the horse and buggy a try... I might even get some pictures....That could really catch the eyes of those who don't see them on a daily basis....

For now...I will be writing about setting up a children's trust fund, the effects of low estrogen of women, allergies causing possibly anxiety, and how to write a memoir..... I will post links once the articles have been finished....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Writing at Home in a small town...

Welcome to the rural area. Yes-I see horse and buggies every day. The town I grew up still has a brick road on it's main street uptown. Tourists are amazed at the horse and buggies, and of course the brick roads. I see them every day. While it is great, that such a tradition and way of life has survived all of these years, it's nothing unusual for me.

Some of you may know me from my other blog, "Writing by the Cherry." I mostly just post links to recent articles I have written to share how-to's for life, and occasionally I might post a poem or some funny joke. But I've decided to have more of a personal relationship with readers through this blog. So I may begin to tie these two together...

You will learn what it's like to be a writer in a small town, and still the trials and tribulations that occurs. I may even write about what the current topics are for the week and my take on them...

I just wanted to let my readers know who I was.... I wasn't just the girl that posted half paragraphs and links. I also wanted to share some work at home writing jobs, and other tips too. I am actually in the works of trying to make such a decision---I would like to stay home and write-because I believe I could make more money than my $8.17/hour 40 hour job. I love my job--don't get me wrong. But in a way-I will never move up, or expect a raise-except for the rise in cost of living raise. I did get a .13 cent raise a few months ago. I believe it was the most I had gotten in the six years that I have been there... Once I make such a decision-I will be sharing it all with you, and each month, the monetary goals that i reach....

So for now, this is my introduction. --Enjoy looking through the virtual windows of my rural area... --Us writers like to hide in small cracks--we don't always just roam the cities-We too, like wide open spaces....