Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Spiritual Revolution: Bring the love, conquer the hate

I've been working on a new YouTube Channel, The Spirit Revolution, and I just recently finished the trailer. It's a new way I am going to start presenting some of my poetry....

With all of the chaos in this world, I was inspired to create a place online where I can deliver positive messages. It seems like stories of inspiration are far and few in between when you turn on the news or pick up a newspaper.

I decided to create " A Spiritual Revolution," at YouTube. It will be videos/recordings of poems that speak of faith, love and hope. So anytime you need a pick-me up or some inspiration, I will have it available...I just figured it was time to start conquering all of the negativity in this world and try to bring something more positive.

The link to the trailer and my new channel is below. More videos will be added soon.

Visit and subscribe to my new channel:

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Universe is so much bigger than you can imagine...

So, after the last few months, I've done some serious soul searching and spirit research. 

The most profound book that I have read recently is Embraced by the Light, by Betty J Eadie. It has definitely opened my eyes that there is something so much more to this universe-something bigger than all of us. 

What she experienced in her near death experience was deeply profound and something I am never going to forget...

Click here to continue reading about my journey so far...

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