Saturday, May 14, 2011

Summer is Just Around the Corner!

I can't believe that we are pretty much in the middle of May now! 

Pretty soon, summer will be here and the kids will be home from school. After the first few weeks that they are off, we may start to hear the "mom/dad--I'm booooored!." 

With the economy barely standing on its too feet, and most of us watching the cash in our wallets, it can be hard trying to come up with ideas that won't put a dent in your checking account. If you are looking for some budget friendly ways to have fun in the spring and summer without spending too much money, you can read one of my articles, "Your Guide to Spring and Summer on a Budget." I did some brainstorming and tried to come up with ways to have fun without leaving your backyard or going too far away from your local town. 

One thing you can always do is get closer to nature when the cash is low.  Looking around at nature is always free, and its live entertainment 24/7. You never know what the birds, squirrels, bunnies or insects are gonna do next!

Click here to read my article on tips to have fun on a budget...