Friday, March 19, 2010

Online Writing Jobs

I have been making some updates to my biography/home page, and one of those updates were adding a few writing jobs. For those who are interested, I have added a few links of some of the places where I write content for. There are many people out there who need some extra money or are at home without jobs because of recent lay-offs or job loss. If you would like to try your hand at freelance writing, try some of the websites that I have listed for writing jobs.

You can find those online job listings at: 

***Some of the writing jobs include content writing at Demand Studios, Break Studios and Associated Content... 


  1. You have a good list - one more thing I would like to add is to join an online community of writers - something were jobs get assigned to you as they come in. I use need-an-article and am quite happy.

  2. "The Never-Ending Journey," an essay about a young poet's journey through craft and the lessons he continues to pick up along the way. Please read it at
