Saturday, November 14, 2009

Applying for LIHEAP in Illinois

When the budget at home is tight, or you are unable to work due to illness or a disability, 
the LIHEAP program can be a life-saver for your utility bills. LIHEAP is the LOW INCOME HOME and ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM.

It gives individuals and families a one time credit towards their utility bills. It is a program that is based on the amount of gross income in a household within the past 30 days. The LIHEAP Program can provide assistance for electricity, gas, propane, oil, and even some wood suppliers for those who burn wood to heat their homes.

There are several agencies and non-profit groups across Illinois that provide applications and assistance to help others sign up for the LIHEAP program.

To learn more about this program, how it can help you, and perhaps how you can sign up, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thanksgiving is Coming Soon!

Wow, it seems like we were all still in the midst of summer, and now Thanksgiving is just only a couple weeks away and we are into the fall season!

Many of us may be wondering how we are going to afford a dinner this year, or figure out how we can cut corners on the dinner and still make it feel and taste like home. With many of those out of work, or not working many hours, it can be hard to come up with the money to celebrate the traditional Thanksgiving feast.

There are ways to save money and also still celebrate the holiday without being too down in the dumps about the economy. Many of us can still be thankful that we are alive, have good health, a roof over our heads, and have friends and family who love us. While employment and money may lay heavy on many minds, we still have the gift of life to be thankful for. ...

--As they say..."This too, shall pass.."

If you are looking for ways to save money on Thanksgiving, I do have a great article you can read for some ideas to inspire you... Feel free to check it out: