Monday, January 9, 2012

Whole Natural Foods and a Healthier You

As the new year has approached, we all have goals to start eating better, trying to lose weight and making over ourselves to feel better. It can be hard making changes-especially when you've had the same habits for so many years. 

I had the pleasure writing for a client about whole and natural foods. He had a very informative website that had several informative articles about healthy foods, vitamins, if coffee is good for you and children's health too. I got to read some of the articles and learn some important things that I didn't know. You learn about healthy eating at his website at: .

While it can be hard to make those changes, sometimes you just need to start out small. You can begin by changing your habits by including breakfast in the mornings. The website states that whole foods are better for you because they are not processed or refined. Whole foods do not contain artificial color or flavors. They also often contain more fiber. Fiber allows you to feel full longer-which in return-makes weight loss easier. You may start your day out with fruit such as kiwi, grapefruit, oranges or even bananas. Add a few bananas or strawberries to a bowl of oatmeal. It just might be surprising to see how long you stay full until lunch-time.... 

So remember-if you want to start making changes today-start small. Start with a bowl of oatmeal-or some fresh fruit....before you know it-you may want that bag of carrots-before you reach for the potato chips....