Friday, May 20, 2011

Vegetable and Flower Gardening

I spent a good portion of my day working out in the garden yesterday. Well-my vegetable garden that is. 

There had been so many days of rain, that I hadn't got a chance to get most of it planted yet. I was able to put out some tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage and banana pepper plants. Some strawberry plants were already growing in my garden, and I hope at some point that I will have some delicious juicy red strawberries soon!

Besides vegetable gardening, I also enjoy planting flowers. While annuals are very pretty and provide lots of color, I do like to plant perennials too. Perennials will come back year after year if you plant them just right. This way, you can ensure that you will always have pretty flowers blooming come spring time.

Most perennials will stick around till fall or the first frost. This is one reason that I love them so much. You don't have to continually plant flowers to keep your yard looking colorful.

If you are interested in planting some perennials in your flower garden, here is list of 5 perennials that you can include in yours:

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